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bandung barat, jawa-barat, Indonesia
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

10 Easy Ways To Be Green

1. Reduce Just by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving, you can save more than 200 gallons of water per month. Here are some other effective ways you can help to conserve resources …
  • Turn off the lights when leaving a room.
  • Use both sides of the paper when printing and copying.
  • Walk or bike instead of driving.
  • Take short showers.
  • Drink tap water instead of bottled water.
  • Remove unnecessary items from your car to reduce weight.
  • Regularly replace the filter on your HVAC system.
  • Install faucet aerators.
  • Use cold water to wash clothes.
  • Stop junk mail.
  • Install a programmable thermostat in your home.
(Source: U.S. EPA)
2. Unplug Unused Electronics Did you know that a cell phone charger can still consume electricity even when a phone isn't connected to it? In the average home, 25% of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off. To stop these "phantom loads" when devices are not in use, unplug them or connect them to power strips, which can then be turned off. (Source: U.S.DOE)
3. Recycle By recycling materials such as aluminum cans, newspapers, and glass jars, you can save energy and landfill space, conserve natural resources, and also prevent pollution. Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 mature trees, 7,000 gallons of water, three cubic yards of landfill space, two barrels of oil, and 4,100 kilowatt-hours of electricity – enough energy to power the average US home for five months. Visit our recycling directory to find recycling opportunities in your community. (Source: U.S. EPA)
4. Look For The ENERGY STAR Label If a product has the ENERGY STAR seal, it meets certain energy efficiency standards. Home appliances, electronics, windows, and roofing are just a few of the products that can qualify, so check a product’s box or manual, or speak to a salesperson to see if it is ENERGY STAR compliant. In 2006, ENERGY STAR products helped US consumers save an estimated $14 billion on their utility bills. In addition to energy savings, there are rebates and federal tax credits available for some ENERGY STAR products. Visit or our energy section for more information. (Source: ENERGY STAR)
5. Use Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) Almost all of the electricity used by an incandescent bulb is converted to heat and not light; CFLs provide a much more efficient alternative. ENERGY STAR labeled CFLs use up to 75 percent less energy and last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, saving an average of $30 over the lifetime of each bulb. To maximize their effectiveness, check the packaging to make sure that each CFL is the proper type and wattage for your lamps. (Source: ENERGY STAR)
6. Fix Leaks A faucet that leaks one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water each year. A leaky toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water every day. To determine whether your toilet has a leak, place a drop of food coloring in the tank; if the color appears in the bowl without flushing, you have a leak. To find and fix air leaks, ENERGY STAR offers a free guide. (Source: U.S. EPA)
7. Buy Recycled Look for the words "postconsumer" or "recycled" when shopping. There are over 4,500 recycled-content products available including paper towels, printer paper, note pads, packing boxes, sleeping bags, laundry detergent bottles, glass containers, nails, carpeting, trash cans, and trash bags. The amount of postconsumer content can vary from a small percentage to 100 percent, so look for labels that indicate the highest percentage. (Source: U.S. EPA)
8. Computer Power Management Enable low-power sleep modes and turn off computers and monitors at night. General Electric implemented power management features on 75,000 of its computers, annually saving the company $2.5 million dollars and preventing 20,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. For step-by-step instructions on how to optimize the settings on your computer, visit ENERGY STAR. Network administrators can also set system wide power management settings by using EZ GPO, a free software tool from ENERGY STAR. (Source: ENERGY STAR)
9. Properly Dispose of Hazardous Waste Electronics, CFLs, certain batteries, and other household hazardous wastes contain toxic materials so they should not be sent to landfills where they can pollute the surrounding land and water. A single computer monitor may contain 4 pounds of lead as well as other toxic heavy metals. Many companies and municipal governments offer free collection programs, and in some cases you can even get paid to recycle old electronics. Visit our collection events page to find disposal options. (Source: U.S. EPA)
10. Fresh, Local, Organic Food travels an average of 1,200 miles before it reaches your plate, so buy locally produced items to save energy and prevent emissions from going into the air. Visit to find a farmers market in your area. Also, choose fresh foods instead of frozen, since frozen foods require 10 times more energy to produce. Finally, organic foods are both good for the environment and good for your health since synthetic hormones, most conventional pesticides, as well as other potentially hazardous practices are not used. (Source: U.S. EPA)

Are you looking to do more? Calculate your carbon footprint and discover other important changes that you can make. To find more information and take additional steps, visit government websites such as,,, and

Here are some easy 10 Ways You Can Improve Earth’s Health

Here are some easy 10 Ways You Can Improve Earth’s Health
1. Change light bulbs
2. Drive differently, or drive a different vehicle
3. Control your temperature
4. Tame the refrigerator monster
5. Twist some knobs
6. Plant smartly
7. Invest in green energy
8. Go organic
9. Buy recycled
10. Be a minimalist
Buy quality products that will last longer. Over time, you’ll obviously buy fewer products that way.
Be creative in what you use for work, play and leisure. You don’t always have to buy new products for activities. Re-use in creative ways.


Environmental issues and pollution are in so bad shape and complex that they need every possible means of preservation immediately. The preservation and conservation cannot be won by gentle tones, nor by gentle appeals to the aesthetic instincts of those who have no sense of responsibility, or beauty and enjoyment of Nature. It is necessary to sound a loud alarm, to present the facts in very strong language, backed up by irrefutable statistics and illustrated by images which tell no lies, to establish the law and enforce it to the full extend.
Man can no more be scientifically studied apart from the quality of equipment and materials he uses on the ground which he tills, or the industry he works, the lands over which he travels, the seas which he over explored, the transportation he uses to do trades, than northern bear or desert plant can be understood apart from its natural habitat. Man’s relations to his environment are infinitely more numerous and complex than those of the most highly organized living organisms, being plants or animals.

Some Go Green Tips

  1. use fabric when shopping. if paper or plastic remember to reuse or recycle.
  2. don’t cheat on serving food. don’t use paper cups etc. and instead use glasses etc.
  3. walk, no co2,bikes, no co2, electric cars, no co2, taxis, co2. replace fuel car with electric car, short distance use bikes or walk, limit fossil fuel cars for only long trips.
  4. don’t use fire or microwave for heating food. fire uses co2 and microwaves uses power. no other way but to make your house run on wind mils or solar Panel
  5. keep earth go green...

The water cycle

Water Cycle

How does Water Cycle works?

The water cycle is not strictly a nutrient cycle, but it is essential to life. The major water pool is the oceans – contain 97% of water. The remainder is fresh water in solid, liquid or vapor form. About 75% of fresh water is ice. Less than 1% exists as liquid, fresh water – most of this is groundwater.
Water evaporates from the oceans – leaving behind the salt. Water also evaporates from land – soil and plants (evapotranspiration). This vapor falls as rain / snow onto land. Water on land passes through soil to the water table – the upper surface of water saturated soil (a.k.a. aquifer). Excess water drains to the ocean via rivers
This water cycle is also known as hydrologic cycle or H20 cycle.
Keep earth green..... please...

Keep Earth Green Friend..!!!

Mission of Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation 2002 to 2012: keep earth beautiful, balance earth temperatures, lower CO2 carbon dioxide levels in Earth's atmosphere - active nature conservation through nature education + Earth protection + recycling: The only affordable solution to the challenge of climate change. To keep earth beautiful we need international support, updated nature education knowledge. Earth is warming up, global temperatures are climbing, pollution is causing global warming, learn online how to keep Bandera beautiful, how to secure your future, how to stay alive with violent weather, floods, earthquakes and storms. Life on earth depends on plants, that produce oxygen, provide food. Millions of years earth balanced a natural environment. Global warming endangers the plentifulness of human food Keep Earth Beautiful
Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation + Protection
Bear Springs Blossom Nature Education + Lectures
International charitable NON Profit organization
B+S+B is a volunteer organization
the future of earth lies in our hands,
without the knowledge how active nature conservation works, we cannot keep earth beautiful, reduce air pollution, reduce global warming, gain sustainability, secure the future of the next generation. Earth can sustain life, but humans try to un-balance Earth's Nature The future of Earth lies in our hands

A strong statement - isn't it?

What is the idea behind it?
Severe changes have happened in many countries on Earth. We learned that air pollution doesn't stop at border lines, that water contamination Health is at risk for everybody on Earth. Sick people cannot see Earth as beautiful as it is. Salmonella are bacteria, Salmonella can cause diseases,  Salmonella can live on fruits, vegetables, uncooked or undercooked meats and eggs,on egg shells and even in water, Salmonella can be killed with Antibiotics. Nature conservation with natural egg production reduces the risk to get a salmonella infection spreads like a grass fire.
We learned that everywhere on Earth it becomes more difficult to buy healthy food, to breath in unpolluted air, to get good drinking water, to avoid sickness and to grow old!
Protecting Nature is our task, and many members help us with this task! 17 years ago we started with a Nature Preserve in Texas we named Bear Springs Blossom. B+S+B members restore overgrazed properties.
We have learned that overgrazing is a problem in many countries on Earth. We read old books where people described the beautiful functioning Nature around them - and we learned that many area has looked very different before the first humans settled there.
So we founded the charitable International Non-profit-organizationto keep earth beautiful, citizens of all countries on Earth need to work together, live a sustainable life, recycle, support nature conservation with an updated Nature education
Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation so other people can get information easier, more understandable, with more background.
Our mission is to protect Humans!
Nature Conservation protects all life on Earth, humans animals and flowers with their beautiful blossoms, food for many insects, balancing Nature on Earth to keep earth beautiful When we protect and conserve Nature we secure the future of the next generation! Click the links of our over 600+ to keep earth beautiful citizens of all countries on Earth need to work together, live a sustainable life, recycle, reduce air pollution, support updated Nature education web-pages: A lot of nature information, sometimes overwhelming. See it as a small environmental encyclopedia
never doubt that a group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Many of Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation members have changes the future of humans and animals. To keep Earth beautiful we need biodiversity in plants + animals, an intact food chain, clean air, low pollution, healthy water
B+S+B members are committed citizens,
help as good as they can!

B+S+B is the source of
science based unbiased Nature information!

to keep earth beautiful we need to reduce climate change which causes hurricanes. hurricanes appear because of warm ocean and earth temperatures resulting in strong uplifting winds - international nature conservation is the only solution to our problem with Earth's climate change and global warming environmental facts about earth needed to keep earth beautiful, to reduce global warming. Global warming is causing more floods. weather systems fed by warm oceans and warm land, the air is lifted up, the air temperature gets lower, the air cannot hold the moisture anymore - it rains - nature conservation  with erosion control is one possibility to solve the problem of earth climate change
Just in the last 12 months
A strong earthquake killed many in Japan
A strong earthquake killed many in New Zealand
A huge undersea volcano appeared
A strong earthquake rattled California
A volcano broke out in Guatemala
A volcano broke out on Iceland
A strong earthquake hit Turkey
A strong earthquake hit Chile
A strong earthquake destroyed parts of Haiti, a country troubled by man-made deforestation and poverty.
Earth's Nature gets more and more unbalanced. Soil and oceans are being weakened as buffers against global warming. A down ward spiral  with long-term implications for the climate system. 
If the seas and the land are less able to soak up or store greenhouse gases, more of these carbon emissions will enter the atmosphere, holding in even more heat from the sun. Studies show a gradual increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) over the last half-century has accelerated the release of methane and nitrous oxide in the soil. These gases are respectively 25 and 300 times more effective at trapping radiation than CO2, the principal greenhouse gas by volume. This feedback to our changing atmosphere means that nature is not as efficient in slowing global warming as we previously thought.
Earlier studies examining how additional CO2 affects the capacity of different soils -- in forests, grasslands, wetlands and agricultural fields -- to either absorb or release these two gases yielded conflicting results.
More CO2 increased nitrous oxide in all soils, but soils in rice paddies and wetlands released more methane in particular.
The culprits in both cases are microscopic soil organisms that breathe in CO2 and exhale methane. The more carbon dioxide in the air, the more these single-cell greenhouse-gas factories thrive. The carbon credit that is attributed to faster plant growth driven by extra CO2 in the air must be revised, many scientists say. This credit helps to offset the negative impact of greenhouse gases - but the new data suggests it should be written down by a fifth.
By overlooking the key role of these two greenhouse gases, previous studies may have overestimated the potential of ecosystems to mitigate the greenhouse effect. There is enough evidence that global warming is eroding the ability of the ocean to soak up CO2. Earth's seas take up roughly one-third of all human carbon emissions, but how this sponge responds to rising CO2 levels is a tough question, mainly because data has been spotty geographically and didn't cover long time periods. In the North Atlantic rising air and water temperatures were slowing the pace at which carbon is absorbed across a large portion of this ocean's subtropical zones. The ocean is taking up less carbon because of the warming caused by the carbon in the atmosphere. Up to now, scientists reasoned that only when carbon content in the ocean rose faster than in the atmosphere could one say that the capacity to take in CO2 had diminished.
But the new study shows that the ocean sink can be weakened even without this visible sign. What we are going to see is that the ocean will keep its equilibration the balance between atmospheric and ocean carbon levels] but it doesn't have to take up as much carbon to do it because it's getting warmer at the same time - warmer water cannot hold as much CO2 as colder water. Earth ocean's temperatures are rising, ocean's carbon capacity decreases
The NEW Normal?

As we have informed you for many years:
Melted ice is being moved towards Earth's equator, changing the pressure patterns to Earth's continental plates.
Nature fights back - we need your support to conserve Earth's Nature.

Talking about melting ice:
Two huge icebergs from Antarctica are floating and melting.
Our studies show, that melting icebergs can change the pattern of Earth's currents resulting in totally different weather patterns on Earth.
Go to our web-page to get more information on Earth's currents
Changing currents would endanger more than one billion humans on Earth plus uncountable animals and plants. Our freedom and security is at stake!
What is our solution?
B+S+B collects information,
we do research,
we inform YOU
we send you emails
B+S+B sciences based information influences behavior!

WHY is better information important?
Better in-depth knowledge helps to preserve life on Earth
and not destroy Earth and our future!

A good

environmental education

helps to understand the problems Earth is facing,
to deal with coming changes and challenges!
look how beautiful earth is. this is the earth south pole - World oceans provide a lot of food for many people, polluted oceans cannot do that, cool water from the south pole has more oxygen, can produce more food for fish. more food for fish leads to more fish equals more sea food for humans - many humans on earth depend on sea food
Earth facts:
Speed orbiting the sun: 66,700 mi per hour = 107,320 km/h
Equatorial circumference: 24,901.45 mi = 40,066.43 km
Polar circumference: 24,855.33 mi = 39,992.22 km
Surface area: 197,000,000 square mi = 510,230,000 sq km
Total land area: 57,900,000 sq mi = 150,100,000 sq km

97% of the Earth's water is salt water
71% of Earth is covered with oceans

Billions are depending on food out of Earth's oceans.
If we continue to pollute Earth's oceans this food source will become scarce!
to keep earth beautiful all nations on earth have to work together. Only a worldwide grass root organization can push politicians to work together, to reduce greenhouse gases, lower air pollution,  water contamination, land pollution Citizens of all countries have to work together to keep Earth beautiful!
We believe that better knowledge about Earth makes it easier to save Earth.
Better informed people make better decisions!

Nature education is the key to save Earth!

The main point is to make a significant dent in climate change - to lower the CO2 carbon dioxide level, to bring Earth temperatures back to 'normal'.

We defend Earth's oceans by challenging water pollution and wasteful, destructive fishing.

Work with us to secure YOUR and YOUR children's future!
Show that you care: Reduce your electricity use, use renewable energy!
B+S+B is using Renewable Energy for two decades!
We show you how to use Renewable Energy and we explain WHY!
rain forest - Earth's rain forests are endangered - already over two third of rainforests are destroyed, tropical and temperate rainforests balance the climate on Earth
We work hard to create a toxin free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals and campaign for sustainable agriculture.
There is a strong need to protect biodiversity!

Climate change is among the most pervasive threats to the Earth today.
Earth temperature lets ice melt causing ocean levels to raise causing floods that will kill many humans, nature education helps to survive

Informed people can address the root causes of climate change limiting impact and destruction of our planet - Where can we go?

Without action, climate change will cause the extinction of countless species and destroy some of Earth's most precious ecosystems, putting billions of Humans at risk.

Do you know how much water on Earth is drinkable?
Do you know how much oxygen humans need?
Do you know how much CO2 carbon dioxide is stored in Earth's oceans?
Do you know how much oxygen is produced by rain forests?
Do you know why burning fossil fuel changes Earth's climate?

B+S+B provides science based information needed to understand our changing Earth climate!

The more you know the more we can do!
Emissions reductions and increases in the use of energy-efficient technologies are strongly needed.
greenhouse gases explode and the arctic summer gets longer, more arctic ice is melting, changing Earth's climate, causing floods, violent storms
Recently, scientists from NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center described another way Arctic sea ice is changing:
1) The summer melt season is getting significantly longer.

According to this analysis,
2) the average length of the continuous melt season in the Arctic increased by 6.4 days per decade between 1979 and 2007. The length of the melt season varies significantly from year to year, but the long-term trend is clear.
3) The scientists say this pattern is consistent with a climate process known as the ice-albedo feedback. Dark ocean water absorbs more sunlight than bright, reflective ice.
Even a small change in the start of the melt season exposes the ocean to more incoming sunlight, which warms the water, which melts more ice, and so on.
4) The more solar energy the ocean absorbs during the summer, the longer it takes in the fall for the water to cool down enough to freeze.

Bear Springs Blossom is an international non-profit organization. We all work without a salary.
Every cent of your membership dues works to fight climate change + is used to keep Earth beautiful.

Ask other organizations how much of your donation they spend on administrative costs?
B+S+B is managed by volunteers, NO salaries, NO expensive flights, NO expensive offices!
B+S+B members give us the power to tackle climate change - to fight polluting on Earth - to further Nature education - to keep Earth beautiful

The more members we have,the more we can accomplish! Every new member will make a difference!

Important to us:
A) Enough healthy drinkable water + good breathable air,
C) healthy food + enough natural resources!

Most important:
To give you the tools, the knowledge to handle the coming changes and challenges with a solid, always updated, Nature education.

Let's take care of Earth, rescue Earth for the next generation

earth moon, without the moon Earth would look very different, temperatures would be different, ocean shores would be changed, our moon helps to keep earth beautiful as we know it
Click on the 'Join us' button - become a volunteer of B+S+B!

Climate change and global warming will effect us all:

More extreme weather - Increased evaporation
More damage to houses and forests + Destabilization of local climates
Sea level rise + Temperature rise + Acidification + Shutdown of thermohaline circulation
Ecological productivity shrinks + Methane release from melting permafrost Methane is a gas, natural to Earth. Methane is 20 times more potent as greenhouse gas, causing climate change, environmental changes, habitat loss, nature education science programs teach sustainable development with reduced methane gas emissions release from hydrates
Retreat of sea Ice + Glacier retreat + scarce drinking water
Forest fires + Spread of diseases
Insurance gets more expensive + Transport gets more expensive + Flood defense gets more expensive!
Migration of billions of humans + food scarcity + many humans cannot afford to buy food + Water scarcity + Water will be more expensive
Europe at night. Light pollution leads to air pollution, to more greenhouse gases, to changing climate. Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation group provides education to see the big picture, to secure the future of Earth
Europe at night - light pollution - energy waste
Earth at night - too much energy produced by coal fired power plants leads to air pollution and water contamination
Earth at night - light pollution - energy waste
When we reduce electricity usage we will reduce water usage + less air pollution!

"Responsibility is born when the love, the care for others grows stronger than the love for yourself."
Peter Bonenberger

Warmer Earth surface = stronger storms - Warmer oceans = more water vapor = changing climate = insecure future!

CLICK HERE to find out why nature conservation is the only affordable solution to Earth's problems with climate change + global warming - Keep Earth Beautiful

A very nice man asked me:
WHY should I give you money to become a member of
Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation?
I pay enough taxes, I pay more for electricity, food prices go up ..

The spouse answered for me:
"It's an investment in the future!" =======================================
Click here to learn more about sustainability - your sustainable life will give your children a safer better future

floods are more violent because of greenhouse gases causing climate change a Butterfly cannot handle pesticides and will die from many man made chemicals, monarch butterflies cannot handle climate change - can Earth be beautiful without butterflies
Floods hurt many living beings - pesticides kill butterflies
Climate change will endanger many humans + many butterflies>
Be active, be responsible! Show, that YOU care for Nature!
Show, that YOU care about the next generation!
Show, that YOU want to keep Earth beautiful!
Earth is part of our solar system, balanced, but relying on each other
Our Solar system is well balanced
Earth's sun keeps us in place and provides light + warmth!
Learn more about Earth and planets. Send us an email

Stop background music by clicking below

See more B+S+B videos on our video web-page

Members of Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation will receive free advice and information. Most importantly, You can learn to understand Nature!

Marianne and Peter Bonenberger are Germans who offer you updated Nature education to become a Master Conservationist.
Send us an email and tell us when you want to start your Master Conservationist education. Learn on your computer - we offer distance learning

Elected president + volunteer Peter Bonenberger
International Vice president Bob Taylor
Elected board member + volunteer Marianne Bonenberger
International treasurer Erhard Gold
Public Relation Manager Karen Taylor
Thank you for visiting this page!

B+S+B is managed by volunteers - nobody gets a salary - B+S+B is supported by:
United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service + Google and by Nature loving members all over Earth - THANK YOU!

Sambal Terasi ueeeenaak...


Resep 1. Sambal Terasi
20 buah cabai merah, buang biji. 1 sdm terasi bakar (goreng). 2 buah jeruk limau (ambil airnya). 1 buah tomat besar. garam. gula pasir.
Cara membuat: campur dan haluskan semua bahan.
Resep 2. Sambal Terasi
5-6 buah cabai merah. 5 bawang merah. 1 potong terasi. garam. sedikit gula. jeruk limau.
Cara membuat: Potong-potong cabai menjadi 2-3 bagian. Kupas bawang merah, biarkan utuh. Goreng bawang merah dan cabai dengan sedikit minyak hingga matang. Goreng terasi. Gerus/haluskan semua bahan. Bubuhi sedikit air jeruk limau. Aduk rata.
Resep 3. Sambal Terasi
Bahan :
2 buah cabe merah
4 buah cabe rawit merah
2 siung bawang putih
2 siung bawang merah
1/2 buah tomat merah
garam secukupnya
1 sdt terasi matang
2 lembar daun jeruk nipis, iris halus
Cara membuat
1. Goreng semua bahan 1/2 matang kecuali daun jeruk dan terasi
2. Haluskan semua bahan, sajikan
Sajikan bersama ayam goreng, tempegoreng dan lalapan.
Resep 4. Sambal Terasi
Sumber : Eliza
4 butir cabe merah
5 butir cabe rawit
2 sendok makan terasi
1 sendok teh air asam
1/2 sendok teh garam
Jeruk limau
Cara membuat:
Cabe merah dan cabe rawit diiris-iris, taruh di cobekan bersama terasi dan garam. Diulek sampai halus, tambahkan air asam. Ulek lagi sampai rata. Bubuhi garam dan peras jeruk limau. Hidangkan.
Catatan: takaran cabe merah dan cabe rawit, tergantung selera pedas masing-masing.