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Sunday, April 29, 2012

1001 Manfaat Air Kelapa

1001 Manfaat Air Kelapa

detail berita
Minum air kelapa (Foto: Google)
AIR kelapa memang mempunyai banyak khasiat. Tidak hanya sebagai obat alami untuk rehidrasi tubuh, tetapi juga membantu manusia miliki kulit bersinar dan sehat.

Air kelapa adalah saripati buah kelapa muda yang merupakan minuman bergizi dan menyegarkan dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia. Apa saja manfaat kesehatan dari air kelapa? Berikut ulasannya, seperti dilansir Boldsky, Rabu (25/1/2012).

1. Air kelapa banyak dikonsumsi sebagai minuman elektrolit mengandung natrium, kalium, kalsium, dan magnesium.

2. Air kelapa bergizi dan sehat bagi tubuh karena rendah lemak dan kalori, sehingga mencegah Anda dari kelebihan berat badan.

3. Segelas air kelapa dalam proses pencernaan memberikan bantuan dari peradangan dan keasaman. Hal ini dikarenakan air kelapa memiliki asam laurat yang menyembuhkan gangguan pencernaan saluran.

4. Air kelapa tidak hanya menyegarkan, tapi juga memberikan efek pendinginan untuk tubuh Anda dan saluran pencernaan. Sistem kerja pada lambung dapat menyebabkan peradangan dan ini dapat disembuhkan dengan air kelapa. Ini juga mengontrol suhu tubuh.

5. Air kelapa juga dikenal sebagai minuman isotonik karena merehidrasi tubuh. Jadi, teguklah dua hingga tiga gelas air kelapa saat tubuh Anda dehidrasi.

6. Salah satu manfaat kesehatan terbaik dari air kelapa itu rendah gula yang membuatnya menjadi minuman bergizi bagi pasien jantung dan diabetes. Hal ini juga membantu dalam penurunan berat badan. Banyak pelaku diet lebih suka minum lima-enam gelas air kelapa untuk menurunkan berat badan.

7. Ini adalah minuman energi dengan enzim bioaktif yang meningkatkan metabolisme Anda dan meredakan rasa lelah. Manfaat air kelapa pada sistem pencernaan seperti membersihkan racun dari tubuh.

8. Air kelapa adalah obat alami untuk menyembuhkan infeksi urin. Hal ini tentu berlaku pada kesehatan ginjal dan batu uretra.

9. Air kelapa juga menanggulangi masalah kerontokan pada rambut karena air kelapa meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dalam tubuh.

10. Air kelapa pun dapat membersihkan kulit yang berjerawat dan membantu mendapatkan kulit mulus.

Manfaat Air Putih

1. Memperlancar sistem pencernaan

Mengkonsumsi air dalam jumlah cukup setiap hari akan memperlancar sistem pencernaan sehingga kita akan terhindari dari masalah-masalah pencernaan seperti maag ataupun sembelit. Pembakaran kalori juga akan berjalan efisien.

2. Air putih membantu memperlambat tumbuhnya zat-zat penyebab kanker, plus mencegah penyakit batu ginjal dan hati. Minum air putih akan membuat tubuh lebih berenergi.

3. Perawatan kecantikan

Bila kita kurang minum air putih, tubuh akan menyerap kandungan air dalam kulit sehingga kulit menjadi kering dan berkerut. Selain itu, air putih dapat melindungi kulit dari luar, sekaligus melembabkan dan menyehatkan kulit.

Untuk menjaga kecantikan pun, kebersihan tubuh hares benar-benar diperhatikan, ditambah lagi minum air putih 8 - 10 gelas sehari.

4. Untuk kesuburan

Meningkatkan produksi hormon testosteron pada pria serta hormon estrogen pada wanita.

Menurut hasil penelitian dari sebuah lembaga riset trombosis di London, Inggris, jika seseorang selalu mandi dengan air dingin maka peredaran darahnya lancar dan tubuh terasa lebih segar dan bugar. Mandi dengan air dingin akan meningkatkan produksi sel darah putih dalam tubuh serta meningkatkan kemampuan seseorang terhadap serangan virus. Bahkan, mandi dengan air dingin di waktu pagi dapat meningkatkan produksi hormon testosteron pada pria serta hormon estrogen pada wanita. Dengan begitu kesuburan serta kegairahan seksual pun akan meningkat. Selain itu jaringan kulit membaik, kuku lebih sehat dan kuat, tak mudah retak. Nah, buat yang malas mandi pagi atau bahkan malas mandi (astagfirulloh!) harus mulai dirubah tuh kebiasaannya�

5. Menyehatkan jantung

Air juga diyakini dapat ikut menyembuhkan penyakit jantung, rematik, kerusakan kulit, penyakit saluran papas, usus, dap penyakit kewanitaan, dll.

Bahkan saat ini cukup banyak pengobatan altenatif yang memanfaatkan kemanjuran air putih.

6. Sebagai obat stroke

Air panas tak hanya digunakan untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit kulit, tapi juga efektif untuk mengobati lumpuh, seperti karena stroke. Sebab, air tersebut dapat membantu memperkuat kembali otot-otot dan ligamen serta memperlancar sistem peredaran darah dan sistem pernapasan. Efek panas menyebabkan pelebaran pembuluh darah, meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan oksigenisasi jaringan, sehingga mencegah kekakuan otot, menghilangkan rasa nyeri serta menenangkan pikiran.

Kandungan ion-ion terutama khlor, magnesium, Hidrogen karbonat dan sulfat dalam air panas, membantu pelebaran pembuluh darah sehingga meningkatkan sirkulasi darah. Selain itu pH airnya mampu mensterilkan kulit.

7. Efek relaksasi

Cobalah berdiri di bawah shower dan rasakan efeknya di tubuh. Pancuran air yang jatuh ke tubuh terasa seperti pijatan dan mampu menghilangkan rasa capek karena terasa seperti dipijat. Sejumlah pakar pengobatan Alternatif mengatakan, bahwa bersentuhan dengan air mancur, berjalan-jalan di sekitar air terjun, atau sungai dan taman dengan banyak pancuran, akan memperoleh khasiat ion-ion negatif. Ion-ion negatif yang timbul karena butiran-butiran air yang berbenturan itu bisa meredakan rasa sakit, menetralkan racun, memerangi penyakit, serta membantu menyerap dan memanfaatkan oksigen. Ion negatif dalam aliran darah akan mempercepat pengiriman oksigen ke dalam sel dan jaringan.

Bukan itu saja jika mengalami ketegangan otot dapat dilegakan dengan mandi air hangat bersuhu sekitar 37 derajat C. Selagi kaki terasa pegal kita sering dianjurkan untuk merendam kaki dengan air hangat dicampur sedikit garam.

8. Menguruskan badan

Air putih juga bersifat menghilangkan kotoran-kotoran dalam tubuh yang akan lebih cepat keluar lewat urine. Bagi yang ingin menguruskan badan pun, minum air hangat sebelum makan (sehingga merasa agak kenyang) merupakan satu cara untuk mengurangi jumlah makanan yang masuk. Apalagi air tidak mengandung kalori, gula, ataupun lemak. Namun yang terbaik adalah minum air putih pada suhu sedang, tidak terlalu panas, dan tidak terlalu dingin. Mau kurus?, minum air putih saja.

9. Tubuh lebih bugar

Khasiat air tak hanya untuk membersihkan tubuh saja tapi juga sebagai zat yang sangat diperlukan tubuh. Kita mungkin lebih dapat bertahan kekurangan makan beberapa hari ketimbang kurang air. Sebab, air merupakan bagian terbesar dalam komposisi tubuh manusia.

Jumlah air yang menurun dalam tubuh, fungsi organ-organ tubuh juga akan menurun dan lebih mudah terganggu oleh bakteri, virus, dll. Namun, tubuh manusia mempunyai mekanisme dalam mempertahankan keseimbangan asupan air yang masuk dan yang dikeluarkan. Rasa haus pada setiap orang merupakan mekanisme normal dalam mempertahankan asupan air dalam tubuh. Air yang dibutuhkan tubuh kira-kira 2-2,5 l (8 - 10 gelas) per hari. Jumlah kebutuhan air ini sudah termasuk asupan air dari makanan (seperti dari kuah sup, soto, dll), minuman seperti susu, teh, kopi, sirup dll. Selain itu, asupan air juga diperoleh dari hasil metabolisme makanan yang dikonsumsi dan metabolisme jaringan di dalam tubuh.

Nah, air juga dikeluarkan tubuh melalui air seni dan keringat. Jumlah air yang dikeluarkan tubuh melalui air seni sekitar 1 liter per hari. Kalau jumlah tinja yang dikeluarkan pada orang sehat sekitar 50 - 400 g/hari, kandungan aimya sekitar 60 - 90 % bobot tinja atau sekitar 50 - 60 ml air sehari.

Sedangkan, air yang terbuang melalui keringat dan saluran napas dalam sehari maksimum 1 liter, tergantung suhu udara sekitar. Belum lagi faktor pengeluaran air melalui pernapasan. Seseorang yang mengalami demam, kandungan air dalam napasnya akan meningkat. Sebaliknya, jumlah air yang dihirup melalui napas berkurang akibat rendahnya kelembapan udara sekitamya.

Tubuh akan menurun kondisinya bila kadar air menurun dan kita tidak segera memenuhi kebutuhan air tubuh tersebut. Kardiolog dari AS, Dr James M. Rippe memberi saran untuk minum air paling sedikit seliter lebih banyak dari apa yang dibutuhkan rasa haus kita. Pasalnya, kehilangan 4% cairan saja akan mengakibatkan penurunan kinerja kita
sebanyak 22 %! Bisa dimengerti bila kehilangan 7%, kita akan mulai merasa lemah dan lesu.

Asal tahu saja, aktivitas makin banyak maka makin banyak pula air yang terkuras dari tubuh. Untuk itu, pakar kesehatan mengingatkan agar jangan hanya minum bila terasa haus Kebiasaan banyak minum, apakah sedang haus atau tidak, merupakan kebiasaan sehat!

Jika kuliah / bekerja di ruang ber-AC, dianjurkan untuk minum lebih banyak karena udara yang dingin dan tubuh cepat mengalami dehidrasi. Banyak minum juga akan membantu kulit tidak cepat kering. Di ruang yang suhunya tidak tetap pun dianjurkan untuk membiasakan minum meski tidak terasa haus untuk menyeimbangkan suhu.

Arti dari 6 Warna Bunga Mawar

Bunga mawar dengan nama ilmiah Rosaceae merupakan tanaman dari Ordo Rosanales sangatlah pantas menyandang julukan si ”Ratu Bunga” karena hampir semua orang menyukai dan mengenal mawar. Warna-warni bunga mawar selalu membuat orang yang memandangnya terpesona. Itu sebabnya, bunga ini selalu diidentikkan sebagai tanda kasih buat seseorang.

Setiap warna mawar memiliki arti tersendiri, kalian tahu apa arti dari setiap warna mawar yang berbeda? kalau belum kalian wajib tahu, supaya jika ada seorang pria yang memberikan bunga mawar kepada anda, anda bisa tahu maksud pria tersebut :p kkkk. Srperti yang dikutip dari laman Shine, inilah arti dari setiap warna pada mawar. 

Mawar Merah: cinta dan romantisme

Mawar Merah
Makna universal warna mawar merah ialah cinta sejati dan romantisme. Bila Anda masih lajang dan ada seorang pria memberi Anda mawar merah, besar kemungkinan dia sedang jatuh hati pada anda :)

Mawar Putih: kemurnian, polos, simpati, dan spiritualitas

Mawar Putih
Awal tradisi mawar putih digunakan sebagai simbol untuk cinta sejati, sebuah asosiasi yang kemudian akan menjadi ciri khas mawar merah. Juga dikenal sebagai pengantin mawar. Mawar putih adalah bunga pernikahan tradisional. Dalam hal ini, putih mewakili persatuan, kebajikan, dan kemurnian dari sebuah cinta baru. Mawar putih juga dikaitkan dengan kehormatan.

Mawar Pink : cinta, syukur, dan apresiasi

Mawar Pink
Merah muda atau pink disertai dengan konotasi kasih sayang dan keanggunan, serta rasa manis dan roman puitis. Mawar dark pink adalah simbol dari rasa syukur dan penghargaan serta merupakan cara tradisional untuk mengucapkan terima kasih. Sementara mawar light pink berhubungan dengan kelembutan dan kekaguman serta dapat digunakan sebagai ungkapan simpati. 

Mawar Kuning: persahabatan, kegembiraan, dan harapan baik

Mawar Kuning
Sepanjang sejarah, kuning telah berhubungan erat dengan matahari. Mawar kuning sangat cocok diberikan pada seseorang yang sedang sakit atau untuk menghibur seseorang. Mawar Kuning mengirim pesan penghargaan dan cinta platonis. Warna tersebut merupakan perasaan sukacita dan kegembiraan.

Mawar Oranye: hasrat dan antusiasme

Mawar Orange
Secara harfiah warna oranye merupakan perpaduan warna kuning dan merah. Mawar oranye dipandang sebagai jembatan antara persahabatan dilambangkan dengan mawar kuning dan cinta diwakili oleh mawar merah. Kombinasi ini dapat menjadi ekspresi dari daya tarik atau hadiah untuk mengatakan, "Saya bangga padamu."

Mawar Ungu : pesona, mulia, cinta pada pandangan pertama

Mawar Ungu
Warna ungu memiliki hubungan tradisional dengan royalti. Dalam hal ini, nuansa mawar lavender menunjukkan suasana keagungan dan kemegahan.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

10 Worst and Best Foods At least one will surprise you…

Worst Foods

1. Artery Crust

Judging by the label, Marie Callender’s (16.5 oz) Chicken Pot Pie has "only" 520 calories, 11 grams of saturated fat, and 800 mg of sodium. But look again. Those numbers are for only half a pie. Eat the entire pie, as most people probably do, and you’re talking 1,040 calories, 22 grams of saturated fat (more than a day’s worth), and 1,600 mg of sodium (an entire day’s worth).

2. Triple Bypass

Can’t decide what to pick from a restaurant menu? No worries. Now you can order not just one entrée, but two… or three... all at once. Olive Garden’s Tour of Italy – Homemade Lasagna, Lightly Breaded Chicken Parmigiana, and Creamy Fettuccine Alfredo – comes with 1,450 calories, 33 grams of saturated fat, and 3,830 milligrams of sodium. Add a breadstick (150 calories and 400 mg of sodium) and a plate of Garden-Fresh Salad with dressing (350 calories and 1,930 mg of sodium) and you’ll consume almost 2,000 calories (an entire day’s worth) and 6,160 mg

3. Salt's On!

On average, a cup of Campbell’s Condensed soup has 760 mg of sodium. That’s half a day’s worth … assuming you eat only one of the 2½ servings that the label says the can makes. Campbell’s Healthy Request and Select Harvest, Progresso Reduced Sodium, and Healthy Choice slash the sodium to the 400s. Look for lower sodium lines in the 100s to 300s by Amy’s, Imagine Foods, Pacific Natural Foods, and Tabatchnick.

4. Tortilla Terror

Interested in a Chipotle Chicken Burrito (tortilla, rice, pinto beans, cheese, chicken, sour cream, and salsa)? Think of its 970 calories, and 18 grams of saturated fat as three 6-inch Subway BLT Classic Subs! Skipping the cheese or sour cream cuts the saturated fat to 6 grams, but you still end up with 750 calories and more than a day’s worth of sodium. Yikes!

5. Factory Reject

People don’t expect light desserts at The Cheesecake Factory. But the Chocolate Tower Truffle Cake kicks things up a notch. If it weren’t served on its side, this one would stand over six inches tall. And upright or not, the slab of cake still weighs in at three-quarters of a pound. What do you get for all that heft? Just 1,760 calories and 2½ days’ worth of saturated fat (50 grams), mostly from chocolate, sugar, cream, white flour, and butter.

6. Burial Grands

No one thinks of cinnamon rolls as health food. But each Pillsbury Grands! Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll with Icing has 310 calories and 2 grams of saturated fat plus 2½ grams of trans fat (more than a day’s worth) and 5 teaspoons of sugar. Companies are dumping their partially hydrogenated oils left and right, yet Pillsbury still makes most of its rolls and biscuits with the stuff.

7. Transgression

“Excellent source of ALA Omega 3,” declares the Land O’Lakes Margarine box. Who knew that Land O’Lakes stick margarine was so heart healthy? It isn’t. Each tablespoon of the spread has 2½ grams of trans fat (more than an entire day’s limit) and 2 grams of saturated fat. And beware of other trans-filled sticks by Blue Bonnet, Parkay, Country Crock, and Fleischmann’s. At least those brands don’t imply that a bit of ALA outweighs the harm caused by the margarine’s trans and saturated fat. Shopping tip: Look for tub margarines – most have little or no trans fat.

8. Starbucks on Steroids

The Starbucks Venti (20 oz) White Chocolate Mocha with 2% milk and whipped cream is more than a mere cup of coffee. It’s worse than a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Few people have room in their diets for the 580 calories and 15 grams of saturated fat that this hefty beverage supplies. But you can lose 130 calories and almost two-thirds of the bad fat if you order it with nonfat milk and no whipped cream.

9. Extreme Ice Cream

An average halfcup serving of Häagen-Dazs ice cream squeezes half-a-day’s saturated fat and a third-of-a-day’s cholesterol into your artery walls and makes a nearly 300-calorie down-payment on your next set of fat cells – if you can stop at a petite half-cup!

10. Stone Cold

Cold Stone Creamery’s Oh Fudge! shake (chocolate ice cream, milk, and fudge syrup) starts at 1,250 calories for the “Like It” (16 oz) size. That’s more than a large (32 oz) McDonald’s McCafe Chocolate Triple Thick Shake. The “Love It” (20 oz) has 1,660 calories and the “Gotta Have It” (24 oz) reaches 1,920 calories (just about an entire day's worth) and 69 grams of saturated fat (3½ days’ worth). That's the saturated fat content of two 16 oz T-bone steaks plus a buttered baked potato, all blended into a handy 24 oz cup.

1. Sweet Potatoes

A nutritional All-Star — one of the best vegetables you can eat. They're loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Bake and then mix in some unsweetened applesauce or crushed pineapple for extra moisture and sweetness.

2. Mangoes

Just one cup of mango supplies 100% of a day’s vitamin C, one-third of a day’s vitamin A, a decent dose of blood-pressure-lowering potassium, and 3 grams of fiber. Bonus: mango is one of the fruits least likely to have pesticide residues.

3. Unsweetened Greek Yogurt

Non-fat, plain Greek yogurt has a pleasant tartness that’s a perfect foil for the natural sweetness of berries, bananas, or your favorite breakfast cereal. It’s strained, so even the fat-free versions are thick and creamy. And the lost liquid means that the yogurt that’s left has twice the protein of ordinary yogurt – about 17 grams in 6 ounces of plain Greek yogurt.

4. Broccoli

It has lots of vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin K and folic acid. Steam it just enough so that it's still firm and add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and a spritz of lemon juice.

5. Wild Salmon

The omega-3 fats in fatty fish like salmon can help reduce the risk of sudden-death heart attacks. And wild-caught salmon has less PCB contaminants than farmed salmon.

6. Crispbreads

Whole-grain rye crackers, like Wasa, Kavli, and Ryvita — usually called crispbreads — are loaded with fiber and often fat-free. Drizzle with a little honey and sprinkle with cinnamon to satisfy your sweet tooth.

7. Garbanzo Beans

All beans are good beans. They’re rich in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. But garbanzos stand out because they’re so versatile. Just drain, rinse, and toss a handful on your green salad; throw them into vegetable stews, curries, and soups; mix them with brown rice, whole wheat couscous, bulgur, or other whole grains.

8. Watermelon

Watermelon is a heavyweight in the nutrient department. A standard serving (about 2 cups) has one-third of a day’s vitamins A and C, a nice shot of potassium, and a healthy dose of lycopene for only 80 fat-free, salt-free calories. And when they’re in season, watermelons are often locally grown, which means they may have a smaller carbon footprint than some other fruits.

9. Butternut Squash

Steam a sliced squash or buy peeled, diced butternut squash at the supermarket that’s ready to go into the oven, a stir-fry, or a soup. It’s an easy way to get lots of vitamins A and C and fiber.

10. Leafy Greens

Don’t miss out on powerhouse greens like kale, collards, spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens, and Swiss chard. These stand-out leafy greens are jam-packed with vitamins A, C, and K, folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, lutein, and fiber. Serve with a splash of lemon juice or red wine vinegar.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

about women

We previously pointed out how some crude, absurd gender stereotypes are in fact proven true by science. But, in the interest of not letting 60s sitcoms have the last word on the differences between men and women, we should point out how many things "everyone knows" about women just plain aren't true, according to science. Like...
Women Aren't As Aggressive
Remember that nursery rhyme about what little girls and little boys are made of? Boys are made of errant amphibians, mollusks and puppy parts while girls are made of sugar and spice and all that's nice. It'd be an adorable if it didn't also sum up gender expectations for the rest of your life.

Snails and dog tails make you more aggressive.
When we grow up, women are more likely to be penalized for displaying too much aggression, while men are rewarded for the exact same behavior.

Sometimes with millions of dollars.
When actually ...
Women might be the more aggressive of the genders.
Researchers found that when you deindividuate a person--or place the person in a situation where he or she doesn't have an individual identity--aggressive attitudes are amplified. This makes sense. It's probably why Marines are required to wear the same uniform, and hipsters are such pussies. Well, they tested this in the lab by having men and women play an interactive video game that required killing other players by dropping bombs on them.
They found that under normal circumstances, men dropped far more bombs than women. But in the deindividuated groups, women out-attacked the men every time, with an average of about five more bombs dropped per session.

Might as well face it, you're addicted to MASS MURDER.
Putting people, particularly women, in a situation where they are anonymous and don't have to conform to societal expectations is very powerful psychologically. And by very powerful, we mean it turns them into an unfeeling murder machines.
Women Aren't as Horny as Men
When it comes to the topic of sex drive, everyone knows the stereotypes: Men are shameless swine who will nail anything with a pulse, and women are only interested in lovemaking that satisfies them on an emotional level.
Think back on your adolescence, and it seems self-evident, doesn't it? Boys are so sex-driven that they literally have to hide their protruding penises (penii?) with baggy jeans and Trapper Keepers. Girls rarely have that problem. And as adults, we all know that it's mostly men, not women, populating the porn-viewing public. The Kinsey Institute even says so. Obviously, men are much more interested in sex. Case closed.
When actually ...
Women are probably just as horny as men--they just don't want you to know it.

The "fan and demure smile" look is just a more elegant "hard-on poking through the jeans."
A recent study asked a large group of test subjects about their sexual behavior but put some clever controls in place. One group of respondents gave their answers while connected to a polygraph machine, and a second group was put in a with a researcher and told that their answers would be monitored. A control group was told their answers would remain completely anonymous.
It turns out that when women were faced with the chance of someone seeing their answers (the group with the researcher in the room) they all suddenly became contestants in a Miss Chastity pageant, reporting only half the number of sexual partners that the group connected to the lie detector claimed. But the women connected to the polygraph actually reported more sexual partners than the men in the same control group.

"Well, there's the weekly foursome, the monthly "Lezz-In" and the occasional anonymous stall sex."
Experts interpreted this as women feeling "pressure to adhere to sex role expectations that indicate (they) should be more relationship-oriented and should avoid being seen as promiscuous." Just like with the bombing experiment, take away what society expects of us, and our true colors show.

Most of those colors are shades of pink.
On a related note...
Only Men Like Porn
The pimps who make up the advertising world have known for decades that the best way to catch a man's eye (and money) is with copious amounts of T&A. Men will line up to buy a large-caliber gunshot to the face as long as there's a scantily clad woman in a submissive pose somewhere telling them how awesome it's going to be.
But what about women? It's been widely believed that the fairer sex isn't affected by erotic imagery to the same degree that men are. And not just in advertising, but in movies, magazines or any other forms in which it might appear. Which is why you don't see half-naked beefcake flanking bottles of hair conditioner.
When actually ...
According to this study, women's brains react just as quickly to erotic images as men's do--and in fact the reaction may even be stronger.
They even use different "circuits" to process them as opposed to the pathways that are reserved for everyday images. Using EEG electrodes to monitor brain activity, researchers showed a group of female subjects pictures that ranged from pleasant to disturbing. Everything was cool until they got to photos that showed couples engaged in sensual poses.
Erotic images elicited neurons to fire at 160 milliseconds, which was 20 percent faster than even the quickest reactions to the non-erotic pictures--even if those pictures depicted immediate danger, like a snarling animal.

Above: less interesting than a penis.
If you've heard that stuff about how erotica turns women on only if there's some kind of deep backstory or emotional connection to what's going on, keep this in mind: 160 milliseconds means the women's brains were lighting up in response to the naked people well before they even consciously registered what they were seeing. Way before the thinking part of their brains could warm up, they already had an immediate, knee-jerk animal response that screamed, "LOOK! A BONER!"
Only Women Suffer from Media-Perpetuated Body Issues
Women have been complaining forever about the impossibility of living up to the female body image that is presented in media. There are like eight billion periodicals marketed to women, and every one of them has some thin teenager with perfect teeth, huge boobs and no blemishes staring out from the cover--not just Martha Stewart Living. It's no wonder the grocery store checkout line is known as the "boner chute."

This colloquialism was submitted by Gertrude Weinbauer, Food Lion #1557.
Complaints and checkout erections aside, it's not our fault the media is presenting this airbrushed picture of what women should look like, or that real-world women are buying into it. If you ladies don't have the sense to know that it's all a sham, then maybe you deserve your crippling body image diseases.
When actually ...
Men are starting to feel the exact same pressures to look perfect. A recent study commissioned by Harvard found that a full 25 percent of people with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia are men.

Look at that asshole, just brushing his teeth all the live-long day. How can a real man compete with that?
The effect that these media portrayals have is real and the body image problem has jumped the gender barrier, so stick that in your overly tanned, sharply chiseled faces, men. Surveys show that a growing percentage of dudes believe that the only attractive male physique is an extremely muscular one, and they are going to great lengths to attain it.
Typically, that means consuming large amounts of protein, obsessing about their weight and working out so much it interferes with other parts of their lives. It doesn't even matter that in the media, the dudes who have chiseled bodies tend to be douchebags.

They were right! We were just jealous this whole time!
Women Aren't as Good at Math
This stereotype isn't as in-your-face as the others on the list, but it's there. If you look around at the people who hold most of the science, technology and engineering jobs in the world today, you'll quickly be tempted to ask, "Hey, where are all the chicks?" Anyone who's ever spent time around a college math lab, a corporate IT department or an engineering firm will notice a preponderance of dudes with skinny arms, ironic T-shirts and Tron collectibles.
And very few women.
This shortage of women in science and technology fields has given birth to the idea that maybe women just aren't as talented or as interested in those areas as men. Or more specifically, that they aren't as good at math, which is kind of the underpinning of the whole shebang. If you're not good at math, you're going to make a crappy scientist, right? And if women aren't well represented in the sciences, doesn't it follow that they're just not as skilled at mathematics?
When actually ...
Janet Hyde from the University of Wisconsin-Madison compiled math test scores and SAT results from more than seven million students, and found absolutely no difference in scores between males and females. So if girls have a mathematical aptitude equal to that of their testicled counterparts at the end of high school, why aren't they moving forward into scientific careers in greater numbers?

Why the hell not?
Well, the answer is nobody really knows. But right now, most researchers are leaning toward causes with social and environmental origins. One recent study found that teachers in grade school can impart their own anxieties about math to their female students, engendering a belief that boys will always be better at math than girls.
Another potential environmental explanation is social identity threat. This is a phenomenon in which knowledge of a stereotype actually makes you fail--thereby validating the stereotype. It's like a Catch-22, but with breasts. In either case, the next time you're trying to impress some girl with your knowledge of isotopes and quadratic equations, just remember that there's an even chance that she's actually better at that shit than you are. Calculate that, Poindexter.
Most Victims of Domestic Violence Are Women
Making jokes about domestic violence is about as awesome as making jokes about genocide. So we'll skip the hilarity and go straight to the stereotype about spouse abuse: If you're talking about one person beating up another in the home, you're probably talking about the man beating up the woman. That's why everyone believes that bullshit statistic about spousal abuse skyrocketing on Super Bowl Sunday. Men are bigger, women are weaker. Men are more aggressive, more violent, more prone to jealousy, and women are their usual victims.
When actually ...
Women are more likely to abuse, stalk and attack their partners than men are.
And there are literally hundreds of scientific studies with sample sizes in the thousands to back up this assertion. In the world of gender research, domestic violence is a subject that has been studied over and over again. The evidence is clear: When couples resort to physical violence, more often than not it's the woman who attacks the man first.

Hey Internet, what's the name for this fetish?
Consider this write-up from a study by Straus and Ramirez: "When only one partner was violent it was twice as likely to be the female than the male. Moreover, in terms of severe aggression females were twice as likely to be violent than men." Holy shit, ladies. Time to chill the fuck out.
If you're wondering why you've never heard these stats before, there's the obvious fact that men are bigger and therefore more likely to hurt women, and deserve to get raped in prison. But it's probably also because men are less likely to report physical attacks to the authorities than women are. And for some reason, men are really really less likely to report having a foot broken off in their ass by a 110-pound woman.

"It was a Hitler. No, three Hitlers."
It's the same old story: The stereotype persists because we're ashamed that we don't conform to it. Whew, that's depressing. How about before we end the article and we all go crazy in the comments, we join together and look at this adorable little kitty who broke his little leg:
